In this startling debut, written by two times award winning author Jennifer Brown, Hate List tells the powerful confession of a young teenage girl named Valerie Leftman and her struggles getting through high school, after her boyfriend, Nick Levil, opened fire on their school cafeteria. Set over the two year time period of 2008 and 2009, in Garvin County, Valerie falls in love with a misunderstood, loving boy named Nick. Then, un-expectantly, five months later, Nick opens fire on their school. Shocked, by her boyfriend’s irrational actions, Valerie tries to stop Nick. Despite being seriously injured, Valerie is still being connected to the crime because of a list. A list her and Nick had created of individuals they had hated. The same list Nick had used when choosing targets. Valerie has to confront the year ahead and the guilt that comes with it as she finishes her senior year. Haunted by her memories of the boy she loved, her rough home life, old friends, and new friends to come, Valerie has to forgive, forget, and accept what happened, in order to carry on with her life. Brown’s insight and descriptions of Valerie’s emotional and physical struggles, is astounding, as Valerie faces a confusing whirlwind of depression, guilt, torment, and love. All in her battle to come to peace with her past and accept her future. For those who love a good suspenseful, drama, this is a fantastic read that you won’t want to put down.
Delirium At first this book made me very impatient. It was progressing too slowly! But it eventually caught me like a bug in a spider web. No matter how much I tried to resist, I was too tempted to read this book. The back cover may not appeal to everyone (believe me, it didn’t when I read the back cover). You know the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”? Well, I was very close to doing just that. I thought it was going to be one of those overly dramatic love stories, but it wasn’t. It was: funny, romantic (of course), sad and so many other things. If you read this book I can guarantee that it will have everything a good book needs. I am way too big a critic with books. I don’t find that many that reach my standards which are way too high. For those of you who love sad romance stories, this is perfect. For those of you that like the happy ones, this one might disappoint you. But I suggest you read it before you judge it. Anna Dressed in Blood (Author: Kendare Blake) Reviewed by Jordan Seed Anna Dressed In Blood was an awesome story. Like it says on the back, it is your “your basic boy meets girl”. The story is about a notorious ghost in Thunder Bay called Anna Dressed In Blood, for the white dress she wore on the day of her murder, is now stained with her blood. Now if you read the back of this book that’s basically what it says. However, in my opinion, that’s not enough! At first I was skeptical about the book. I didn’t know if it actually had romance or if it was just your classic thriller, but I decided to read it and I’m glad I did. This book was an amazing love story. It takes a while for the romance to actually start happening. I’m usually not a patient person, but the thriller made up for it. No matter what, I wanted to get to that last page. Now if you’re like me and you’re an avid reader, you will probably finish the book in one night or two days. However if you’re a person who likes to take their time, then it might take several days. What you should do most when you read this book is just enjoy it and hope you’ll find a book just like it again. For those of you who want to know if there’s a sequel I don’t know. I wish I did because if I did I would have started it right after, but I suggest looking it up and find out for yourself. This blog will feature updates to our library collection, etc.
December 2012
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