In this startling debut, written by two times award winning author Jennifer Brown, Hate List tells the powerful confession of a young teenage girl named Valerie Leftman and her struggles getting through high school, after her boyfriend, Nick Levil, opened fire on their school cafeteria. Set over the two year time period of 2008 and 2009, in Garvin County, Valerie falls in love with a misunderstood, loving boy named Nick. Then, un-expectantly, five months later, Nick opens fire on their school. Shocked, by her boyfriend’s irrational actions, Valerie tries to stop Nick. Despite being seriously injured, Valerie is still being connected to the crime because of a list. A list her and Nick had created of individuals they had hated. The same list Nick had used when choosing targets. Valerie has to confront the year ahead and the guilt that comes with it as she finishes her senior year. Haunted by her memories of the boy she loved, her rough home life, old friends, and new friends to come, Valerie has to forgive, forget, and accept what happened, in order to carry on with her life. Brown’s insight and descriptions of Valerie’s emotional and physical struggles, is astounding, as Valerie faces a confusing whirlwind of depression, guilt, torment, and love. All in her battle to come to peace with her past and accept her future. For those who love a good suspenseful, drama, this is a fantastic read that you won’t want to put down.
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